Yes, it's a sweet bike! You've gotta smirk at least a little about the alternative - rebel culture of having a Harley that these videos glamorize. It takes about 3 minutes at a dealership open house or rally to find all the "rebels" are overweight 40 - 50 year olds with bad backs, squeeky clean jackets and bolt on Harley cartoon skulls who are hungry to find someone to give advise to and would rather talk about riding than actually do it. :0)
Next time you're at a dealership look around and ask yourself if these people are the lone wolfs and leaders of the pack or the first ones that would get picked off to thin the herd.
Ride it like you stole it man! I still like your blue bike but then you make anything you ride look badass...
Yes, it's a sweet bike! You've gotta smirk at least a little about the alternative - rebel culture of having a Harley that these videos glamorize. It takes about 3 minutes at a dealership open house or rally to find all the "rebels" are overweight 40 - 50 year olds with bad backs, squeeky clean jackets and bolt on Harley cartoon skulls who are hungry to find someone to give advise to and would rather talk about riding than actually do it. :0)
Next time you're at a dealership look around and ask yourself if these people are the lone wolfs and leaders of the pack or the first ones that would get picked off to thin the herd.
Ride it like you stole it man! I still like your blue bike but then you make anything you ride look badass...
PS. What a bitter old man I sound like!
( The truth hurts. )
Rock On Paul!
Ah, so has this blog died and gone to blog-heaven (Google's cache)? ;-)
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