Oxfam Ireland and Make Trade Fair teamed up and sent Coldplay's Chris Martin to Africa to see firsthand the extreme poverty endured by so many and how fair trade in these areas can improve the lives of those who live and work there. We will continue to follow Chris in the next blog entry.
I also enjoy the look on Simon Pegg's (Shaun of the Dead / Hot Fuzz) face when Chris opens the video. Simon is a hilarious guy and it's funny to see him go "oh, I need to put on a serious face immediately"
Along the same lines as the video above. The video below goes after the mother of coffee chains herself, Starbucks. What I can't figure out is why the Empire chose to take action (Vader himself was representing) and not the Rebels, the Wookies, or the Ewoks. I think they should get off their furry little asses and help make a difference. All joking aside. There is a great message here. Hopefully Starbucks will take action and lead the charge for other coffee chains to take suite.
Nice find on the Starbucks video. As a big coffee drinker I've been a big supporter of Fair Trade coffee. First off, not only does it taste better (since it's usually organic) but it's a great way to support small farmers.
There's another project out there that is trying to do something at churches. It's called Equal Exchange, and their goal is to get churches to start using fair trade coffee on Sunday mornings.
Just think how many cups of coffee are drank at a church on a Sunday, and you can imagine the impact that can have. Plus, as Christians, it's really putting our money where our mouth is....
Yeah, I agree. I've been volunteering my time working on a video for an organization that's apart of Equal Exchange. They are called Potter's House. I'd give you a URL to check them out but my office partner Mike hasn't finished building their site yet. Volunteer projects tend to move a little slow...
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